Well everyone it is 50 days out from this years Gala dinner, am I excited?
Yes would be the answer, am I freaking out, well maybe just a little but hey who wouldn’t be.
We are so excited that we only have 15 tickets left to sell, and our auction items are coming in,and we have some amazing items up for grabs and great silent auction items also, something for everyone.
We are so excited to have the continued support of George Kapiniaris and this year the added support and belief by Bec and George form the Block!
Someone said to me the other day “if someone had of said to you this time 3 years ago that you would be founder of a charity, organising a gala dinner, have a commercial on TV and Matt Preston as an auction prize, you would have LAUGHED…hahahahaha”
Who would of thought and I must say I am pretty happy with our progress, although it is a massive amount of hard work, long hours on top of our day jobs and family I am still happy that I convinced my husband and now all of you to come on this crazy journey and the MFOC is born and has legs of its own.
We are in our final stage of having the name and logo Trademarked, so its ours and we are here to stay and this I am proud of.
My house is quiet right now, kids and hubby sleeping and I’m sending off emails and tweets and Facebook updates and think of the world in 20 years when my girls will be running the MFOC (I hope) and making a difference in the lives of people with Cancer, what will the world be like then? I hope we have made advances, and the treatment process is less invasive and hard and I hope the MFOC is a name that rolls of the tongues of everyone just as variety and many of the other well known charities.
I thank those who have believed in me and supported me in my vision